Employee, Contractor, Consultant

There’s 3 common roles that software engineers will commonly be engaged in, and it tends to be a progression. The words are sometimes misused though, and the distinction between them is very important!Employee is the easiest to understand, and most common. You are...

Outcome vs Output

Many software teams put a lot of energy into talking about output – things live velocity, story points, burndowns, or even just counting tickets. However, the thing that most businesses really need, the reason that software is worth investing in, is outcomes.Output is...

Helping Each Other

One of the side effects of working with lots of different teams is that I get to meet a lot of people, at all stages in their careers. I try and stay in touch with as many as I can, and sometimes there’s an opportunity to help someone. This might be helping someone...

Loud Voices In Tech

Our industry is filled with loud voices. There are often quieter voices. There are often people who are kind, helpful and considerate, but the fact is, this there seems to be something particularly prevalent in our industry; these loud voices coming from people who...

The value of asking

I think we all know the concept of the saying – there are no stupid questions. The idea being that any question that can be asked, should be okay to be asked. However, through experience, I still hear many, many people say: okay, this might be a silly question...