Helping Each Other

One of the side effects of working with lots of different teams is that I get to meet a lot of people, at all stages in their careers. I try and stay in touch with as many as I can, and sometimes there’s an opportunity to help someone. This might be helping someone...

Growing a great team

One of the AgileLabs team found a great article by Eduards Sizovs, which they shared with us. You can read the whole thing at . The article is about the difference between teams who try to...

What’s beyond your team’s horizon?

It always fascinates me looking at old maps of the world, drawn based on the observations of the early explorers. These maps are often very accurate – for the regions the explorer had visited – and yet many of them show the world as having an edge, where...

The definition of insanity

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the results to change” We love this quote, from Albert Einstein – it’s so obvious when you think about it, however we often see software teams who are doing exactly this, and...