Eating the dog-food

The expression “eating your own dog-food” is about using your own product, so that you see first-hand the same thing your customer does. This is a really powerful approach, and definitely worth doing! The aim should always to to build products that, as a...

Welcome to the Agile Labs blog!

Well hello, and thank you for checking out the Agile Labs blog! We hope you enjoy reading our articles, and that they can help you in some way. Please share your thoughts and feedback, we’d love to hear from you! At Agile Labs our mission is to help teams to...


I’d like to introduce a concept of “anti-tooling” – which is “tooling that makes it easier to make our situation worse”. There’s 2 main flavours of this that I’ve noticed: the first is tooling that helps us to do something...

Learning As We Go

We should always be trying to learn; every day we come into contact with new information, with new ideas, and with feedback on our previous efforts. This should profoundly change our approach, based on a simple and fundemental truth: We always know today the least we...

Bigger is not Better!

An observation I’ve made while working with various teams is that there are a relatively small number of things that separate the men from the boys (so to speak). My experience tells me that knowledge of technologies, frameworks, languages and so on is not a big...