Some techniques to roll out features

One of the most important things to get good at for a software teams is getting the things they make into the hands of customers faster, more often, and with less drama. While new features and better code are both great, if the release process is disruptive, and...

Designing Messages (MicroCPH)

Thanks once again to all of you who came along to my session at MicroCPH, and to the organizers for doing such a great job! Here’s the slides from my talk, there’s 2 versions, one with my notes and one without. Designing Messages (Light) Designing Messages...

Managing Nuget Packages With PowerShell

The other day I was working on something in a largish .Net codebase where there were a lot of Nuget packages that needed work. Most of the time the main tool for this is the Nuget Package Manager, the standard UI, and this is fine for one-at-a-time scenarios. However...

Should you have a standard “developer build”?

When working on a codebase as a team, especially in a corporate environment, there are choices you can make that can have unexpected impacts. The tendency is for a standardized build, and on the surface this can be appealing. It’s easier for procurement, because...

The cost of messaging between systems

When building a distributed system, you need a way of communicating between the components or services, and this is often a message bus. Message buses come in different forms, but ultimately use the same paradigms – commands and events. One of the earlier distributed...