Using marker branches to aid continuous integration

For a team whose workflow is based on continuous integration – that is, frequent pushes to and pulls from a shared integration branch – it is really important to have a healthy integration branch. A team who want to use this workflow should all buy into exercising a...

Code Configuration and Data

The three main ways to control the behavior of an application are code, configuration and data: Code Simply hard-coding can be a very quick way to get something done. This is a valuable approach, especially while prototyping or iterating quickly to get feedback. It is...

Pragmatic problem solving

A team I’ve worked with recently were struggling with a poor delivery effectiveness, which was the result of a few particularly bad decisions compounding. One of the biggest issues was that the team had a lot of automation tests, but no other feedback mechanism....

Hammers, Screws and NoSQL

There’s a clichéd expression I like which is “when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail” – the meaning of course is that sometimes when a person only knows one way to solve problems, in their mind every problem can be solved that...